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Insulating strip

Expanded polyethylene insulating strip

The strips are partially or totally adhesive of closed cell expanded light polyethylene, which are waterproof and mold resistant, resistant to chemical agents and to cementitious alkaline reactions. The product is easy to apply and because of the use special glues it is resistant to thermal shock. Essential for industrial and stamped floors, traditional cement and sand cementitious slabs or as thermal insulation, expansion joints and soundproofing between floors and walls. It is capable to isolate the concrete from water absorption of the walls and it decreases the horizontal moister diffusion towards the adjacent vertical structures.

Code Height Thickness Pack
F040001 100 mm 5 mm 100 mt
F040002 150 mm 5 mm 100 mt
F040003 200 mm 5 mm 100 mt
F040004 250 mm 5 mm 100 mt
F050001 100 mm 5 mm 100 mt
F050002 150 mm 5 mm 100 mt
F050003 200 mm 5 mm 100 mt
F050004 250 mm 5 mm 100 mt
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