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Plam Hardening

Color hardener for stamped concrete floors

Plam Hardening Isoplam is the premixed and ready-to-use colored surface hardening powder, specially developed to resist UV rays for the creation of Plam Stampable stamped concrete floors, Plam Stampable Overlay stamped paste, Skyconcrete low-thickness cloudy coating and Plam Spray stencil coatings. Plam Hardening is composed of top quality German spheroidal quartz in perfect grain size curve, Portland cement and Bayer iron oxides resistant to atmospheric agents, UV rays and the alkalinity of concrete. It is dusted on the still fresh concrete to give color and resistance to the stamped floor. It is available in a pot in different color shades that can be consulted in the Isoplam color chart.

Code Pack Colors
D13007500250 25 kg White
D13033100250 25 kg Platinum
D13032500250 25 kg Light gray
D13042200250 25 kg Taupe
D13032600250 25 kg Mineral gray
D13049500250 25 kg Silver
D13033200250 25 kg Pierre blue
D13019500250 25 kg Medium gray
D13012000250 25 kg Dark gray
D13005000250 25 kg Old white
D13045100250 25 kg Tortora
D13015500250 25 kg Crema
D13009000250 25 kg Champagne
D13022500250 25 kg Oak
D13032000250 25 kg Pale orange
D13038000250 25 kg Stone
D13029500250 25 kg Ocra Sardegna
D13006500250 25 kg Sahara
D13037500250 25 kg Sabbia Bologna
D13049000250 25 kg Yellow sun
D13041500250 25 kg Antique rose
D13016300250 25 kg Cipria
D13025000250 25 kg Tawny
D13044000250 25 kg Clay
D13038500250 25 kg * Pecos sand
D13016000250 25 kg Havana
D13026000250 25 kg Autumn brown
D13016200250 25 kg Moka
D13014500250 25 kg * Rose
D13035500250 25 kg * Pink
D13043500250 25 kg Tile red
D13036500250 25 kg * Red mountain
D13040000250 25 kg * Blue Caribbean
D13001000250 25 kg * Seafoam green
D13033000250 25 kg * Philly blu
D13020000250 25 kg * Deep green

* available by order
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