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Idrorep A/S

Salt-repellent sealer

Idrorep Isoplam® is a water-repellent anti-salt protector, available in the water-based version Idrorep/A or solvent-based Idrorep/S. The product is transparent and has the function of protecting surfaces from water absorption, thus avoiding the formation of mold, algae and cracks due to freeze/thaw cycles. The water-repellent resin for concrete is recommended for environments in seaside and mountain areas where salt and ice can ruin stamped, industrial, spray and washed gravel floors. The product that repels water protects all horizontal and vertical surfaces both indoors and outdoors and is easy to apply using a roller, brush or airless. Idrorep/A does not alter the color of the surfaces and is also suitable for the protection of natural stone.

Code Features Pack
I040012000  Hydrorep/S depth waterproof solvent base 5 Lt
I040020000  Hydrorep/S depth waterproof solvent base 20 Lt
I030005000  Hydrorep/A water-salt-proof water base 5 Lt 
I030020000   Hydrorep/A water-salt-proof water base 20 Lt  
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