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Plam Sealing/L

Single-component solvent-based acrylic resin for stamped floors and ItalianTerrazzo, glossy effect

Plam Sealing/L Isoplam is recommended for the protection of stamped Plam Stampable Isoplam floors and ItalianTerrazzo floors (containing split gravel with a maximum diameter of 1.5 cm) washed gravel and for artefacts and natural stones that have a medium porosity and a good degree of absorption. The transparent varnish for stamped concrete revives the colour, facilitates normal cleaning and gives a pleasant shine.
The Plam Sealing/L concrete protector does not yellow, is single-component and easy to apply, creates a water-repellent film and has good resistance to abrasion.
It is possible to add Isoplam Antislip Powder to make the flooring non-slip or Plam Isoplam Opacifying to make the surface opaque.

Code Features Pack
D255000005000 Solvent based sealer for stamped concrete and other 5 Lt
D255000020000 Solvent based sealer for stamped concrete and other 20 Lt
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